21-Day Orgasmic Mastery Course
A Self-Study Journey of Empowerment and Freedom for Men
Do you want to last longer in bed and become the best lover you can be?
Do you want to be free from porn addiction and ejaculation addiction?
Do you want to learn how to have orgasms without ejaculating and become multi-orgasmic?
Do you want to deepen the connection with your partner?
Do you want to interact with women more confidently?
Do you want to know where in life you’re loosing energy?
Do you want to be able to transmute your sexual energy and utilize it in other areas of your life?
Do you want to feel more confident in your body and your sexuality?
Do you want to experience the transcendental aspects of lovemaking?
If you answer some or all of these questions with YES, then the Orgasmic Mastery Course is for you!
Imagine this:
You are vibrant, clear and bustling with energy. During sex, you feel your sexual energy rise in you, but instead of shooting it out with each climax, you know how to move it through your entire body and, in time, learn to orgasm without ejaculation.
You have pleasure running throughout your body for hours. You have the freedom and power to choose when and how you ejaculate and can last as long as you want in bed. Your partner is happy and satisfied because she now has enough time to drop into her orgasmic potential. You both feel a deepening of connection and love between each other.
Beyond your lovemaking practice, you are able to transmute that powerful energy and use it in any area of your life. People look at you differently because they see the radiance in you.
All of this is possible with the practice of semen retention, or conscious ejaculation choice.
Hi, I'm Lenerd Louw
My passion is vibrant and freely expressed sexuality. I have been practicing semen retention and orgasm without ejaculation for the past 18 years and been my own ‘sexuality research project’.
9 years ago I resigned as CEO of an insurance company in Cape Town, South Africa, and went on a 5 year journey of exploration and learning around the world.
I visited five continents and 35 countries. My next destination was always the next most powerful learning opportunity I could find. I underwent and partook in numerous initiations, rituals, workshops and trainings across many areas, but specifically in spirituality and sexuality. I will share my learnings and my personal experiences with you in this guided course.
This course includes a guided 21-day semen retention programme.
Here are some of the POWERFUL BENEFITS of semen retention:
- Increased clarity, vitality, confidence and motivation
- Improved sex life
- Start curing premature ejaculation
- Start curing porn addiction
- Be the best lover you can be
- Last longer in bed
- Set foundation for becoming multi orgasmic and have orgasms without ejaculating
- More attractive to women (everyone actually)
- People are drawn to you for business and creative collaborations
- Increased creativity
- Your life purpose is clearer
- More powerful and alive than ever before
- More energy for reaching your goals and dreams
Testimonials from Students:
“Lenerd’s enthusiasm and unbridled joy exemplifies what is possible if we understand how to connect consciously with our sexual energy, and learn to exercise that energy within our body rather than expel it.
Through his embodiment of the practices, Lenerd creates a lively and supportive container infused with the beauty of masculine energy. This course offers an accessible initiation into the powerful potential of masculinity that is deeply transformative. I leave with a distinct understanding of sexual energy and watch in wonder at the unfolding of a new, empowered way of being.
I’m in deep gratitude for Lenerd’s generosity of spirit and wisdom garnered through his wide and wild travels, taking him across cultures, through modalities and into the self.
Thank you, brother, you are an inspiration.”
Andrew - Cape Town
“I just completed Lenerd’s 21 day course and I found it to be quite profound.
I got more in touch with the fact that I am a man and what “maleness” means. We as a society never really talk about male sexuality and there is this myth that men just want to have sex all the time. In fact, we don’t really talk about our mental health or any other issues that men face and this was a great open forum to do that which was amazing.
I began to become aware of energy and how I give it away in a number or ways and not just the obvious way during love making. This awareness has led to changes in how I live and I will continue to change things to retain more energy as I age.
I also found beauty and laughter in the world again – it was as if the little boy in me was calling me – I have missed him! Noticing the morning dew on the grass and sunlight and the sound of birds! Beautiful. Not touching my phone first thing in the morning was the key to discovering these delights right in front of me!
The morning exercises were tough at first and now they are part of my daily routine. The breath work in particular and moving energy over my body is amazing and I practise this as much as I can.
I am so thankful for these 21 days. By taking part in the practise, I got so much more out of it than I thought I would.
Hard to believe but by not ejaculating for 21 days I now know that my relationship I have with the world and all those in it, only has to do with myself and nobody else. Tremendously empowering knowledge when you know there is nobody to blame or congratulate other than me!
Thank you Lenerd and brothers.
Much Love and Respect.”
Craig Ross - Cape Town
“This course has shown me the power of ejaculation control - I had no idea how much energy I was just expending, instead of being able to put it to better use. My eyes have been opened to a new way of living! For some time I have also been looking for a deeper connection when having sex, not just the superficial westernised way of it, and I was on the right path to it, but this course has helped me understand a lot more in depth, and how to actually go about enabling that deeper connection while making love. Thanks Lenerd!!”
Oliver (23) - Cape Town
“The 21 day challenge really showed me how addicted I had become to using ejaculation as a stress release. Now I am learning to channel that energy in more constructive ways. I am also excited to be learning to shift sexual energy during love making and self pleasuring to other areas of my body - a fantastic journey to be on. Lenerd gave us his all during the course and his experience in these practices is so valuable to all men interested in furthering their sexual awakenings.”
Craig - Cape Town
“This 21 day course is a metaphor for life.
Its essence for me was about energy retention way beyond sex and highlights how shame and addiction to instant physical and emotional gratification drew me away from my inner truth.
I realized that my body and heart has the ultimate integrity and should be trusted more than the constructs and conditioning of my mind.
I'm looking forward to get back to unraveling and claiming more of my body's secrets to take me back home.”
Heine - Cape Town
“Thanks so much for presenting this course. It was absolutely incredible. Not only did I immediately see unbelievable results in longer love making, but it also affected my general state of mind and understanding core issues that I had. I will most certainly be taking this forward and continue this journey. Also telling all my friends. The support from all the other brothers on the course was also great, and the insight from women you interviewed was super valuable.”
Prieur du Plessis - George, Southern Cape Coast
“Lenerd's enthusiasm and teaching about conscious choice of ejaculation has resonated beautifully with the deepening of my sexuality as I approach my 60s. While I have yet to master a prolonged period of non-ejaculation, the course inspired me to shift my focus from an obsession with genital stimulation to pleasuring my whole body (and being). As a result, the 21-day course culminated in a memorable whole body, non-ejaculatory orgasm via a lucid dream. I feel invigorated and curious to explore more!”
Dion - Wildernis, Southern Cape Coast
“Hey Lenerd. Thank you so much for being my guide on the 21 day orgasm mastery program. These 21 days have helped me to become more focused, energised and grounded. Your daily videos were very insightful, authentic and entertaining and I now feel I have a much better understanding of ejaculation choice and how to work with my sexual energy in a conscious way. Much gratitude.”
Doron - Cape Town
"Things are changing in my life. Especially relationships with women. It is as if I am not doing anything but women react differently. The most striking for me is how women get attracted to me, you know, I am an introvert personality. Actually almost all the points from your benefit list, one by one, start to pop up.
Even your point: “People will be drawn to you for business and creative collaborations” is true. I received several offers for collaboration in the last few days, to be part of workshops and circles.
So I’m really looking forward to a next course!”
Radoslav - Prague
"Thanks Lenerd. Energy is building. Had sex with my wife 3 times last night - she came each time. I didn’t - I am amazed I could do that!”
A - Cape Town
"I’d love to share that after 5 days I feel some beautiful inner transformation. I feel open, not driven, more natural in my sexuality, clearer, stronger....thank you brother Lenerd.”
Dieter (70) - Germany
"Hi Lenerd! I wanted to send you a huge thank you for the amazing work that you are doing to help men become more conscious of their sexuality and use it as a force for conscious empowerment and strength and in some cases move away from the addiction of ejaculation.”
Oli - Cape Town
"I'm getting a clearer sense of the impact that low consciousness masturbation (to ejaculation) has had on me. And wow, it’s been everywhere!
In my current space, interactions with my wife are super-charged. There's a lot of positive energy moving between us.
I feel more positive and engaging urges to do more. Mostly around the home, but even in simple outside-of-home experiences, and I feel better for it. Lighter. The urge to be better and to do better feels more omnipresent and encouraging.”
Bruce - Scotland
Here is exactly what you get when you join:
A guided 21-day semen retention program
A guided 21-day program to break porn addiction
A guided 21-day program to solidify powerful morning rituals
Recordings of 4 zoom calls over the 21 day period
Daily video lessons over the 21 day period
4 video interviews with 4 sexuality teachers
Time Investment:
Only 30 minutes a day
Bonus 1 ![]() |
Free JUMP! Ebook - value $11.99
Bonus 2![]() |
Bonus 3![]() |
Interview with internationally renowned sexuality / tantra teacher Valentina Leo aka Mrs Love |
My memoir JUMP!
My memoir JUMP! – an epic soul and sex adventure was published in 2019 in South Africa. The reader (or listener) gets to follow my personal journey out of a place of riches, emptiness and desperation, past many countries and endless experiences around the world – all the way to a place of deep peace, connection, meaning and happiness. It covers my countless, colourful and deep learnings in a light, fun and easy to read way.
It is available at all the major bookstores in Southern Africa and internationally on Amazon. It won the Literary Titan Silver Awards in December 2019 and reached the number 2 on Amazon in the category spiritual/religious/travel in early 2020.
Book Reviews:
Listen to Book review:
Anette review.mp3
"If I was a woman I would be giving my lover a copy of this book to read as a prerequisite before commencing any sexual relationship." - Paul (Goodreads review *****)
“What a ride! I didn't see it coming. Wow, this is phe-nom-e-nal."
- Sean Fraser, editor of Trevor Noah's Born a Crime.
"The profound lessons shared in this book has made me feel like South Africa has found its very own Alchemist meets Jonathan Livingston Seagull, but on steroids!"
- Krystal Kolnik
"I experienced every emotion reading this book, from laughing out loud to balling my eyes out."
- Margot"
“This book blew me away! I couldn't put it down, so surprising and brilliant. It takes one on a deep dive into the world of sacred sexuality and introduces the incredible ancient teachings in a fun, accessible read. I just want every man (and woman) on this earth now to read it! Lenerd shares his journey in the most honest, real way. It's for everyone! There is immense wisdom and life tools everywhere! It held me to the very last page and I just wanted more!”
- Liz Bullen
100% Money Back Guarantee
You have 7 days to decide whether my 21-Day Orgasmic Mastery Course is right for you. If you determine that it isn’t, then just let me know and I will gladly refund you the full amount.